What is it Like Living on the Beach? 11 Things to Know

Living on the Beach house

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If you’re thinking about living on the beach, there are a few things you need to know first!

To some, the first thought that comes to mind is drinking margaritas all day and watching sunsets.

Though this may be true, there are some drawbacks that you should be aware of.

In this blog post, we will discuss 11 things that you need to know about living on the beach.


5 Reasons for Living on the Beach

miami beachfront

If you’re lucky enough to live on the beach or are considering a move there, here are five reasons why it’s the best decision you’ll ever make:

1. Nature Is Breathtaking


City life is nothing compared to living at the sea.

Unlike, waking up in the morning to the sound of cars honking and traffic.

Living on the beach is a whole different setting.

Crashing ocean waves, soft sand beaches, and fresh salty air are just some of the things you get to enjoy when living on the beach.

Let’s not forget about the mesmerizing sunsets and sunrises.

2. Easy Access To A Variety of Outdoor Activities

Outdoors is the new indoors.

Living on the beach gives you easy access to an endless number of outdoor activities.

Surfing, kayaking, fishing, and swimming are only some of the things you can do when living on the beach.

And if you’re feeling extra adventurous there’s always parasailing, kiteboarding, and windsurfing.

Building sandcastles and daily strolls along the shorelines become your new norm.

Getting that Vitamin D never felt so good!

3. Relaxation 24/7 While Living on the Beach

kayaking on the beach

Living by the beach gives you 24/7 relaxation.

Get away from all the hustle and bustle of work and city living by living near the ocean.

Hear the sound of waves crashing against the shore as you fall asleep and let that lullaby rock you to sleep every night.

Wake up feeling refreshed, relaxed, and recharged every morning.

Take a break whenever you feel like it and dip your toes in the water or take a stroll along the shore.

Living on the beach gives you a more relaxed lifestyle.

One that is slower-paced and worry-free.

4. Forget about Parking And CArrying Stuff

Another perk of living on the beach is you will never have to worry about parking or dragging all that beach gear with you.

Nothing is more annoying than stalking people to their cars and waiting for them to leave so you can snag their spot.

Or even worse, fighting with other drivers in getting that open one spot that just became available.

And then there’s the hassle of carrying all that beach gear with you.

It’s always a pain dragging around those chairs, umbrellas, coolers, and towels to the beach.

Curse all those snacks and drinks in the cooler – so dam heavy!

And this becomes more dreadful when you’re the one in charge of carrying it all!

Now if you lived by the beach goodbye to all those struggles!

You could simply walk to the beach with just a towel in hand and not have to worry about where to park or what to bring.

Oh, yeah!

5. Fresh SeaFood

seafood dish

If you love seafood then living on the beach is just another perk to add to the list.

Living by the beach means having access to fresh seafood all year-round.

No more overpriced and not-so-fresh seafood from the grocery store or restaurants.

You can go catch your own fish or head over to the nearest pier and get some straight from the fisherman.

What’s better than that?

6 Problems With Living On The Beach

house overlooking the beach

Like everything in life, there are always some drawbacks, and living on the beach is no exception either.

These are some problems when it comes to living in this type of environment.

1. Tourists

people at the beach

Tourists! Ugh!

If you live on the beach you will dread summertimes and holidays.

During these times the beach will be packed with people and enjoying the peace and quiet on the beach will definitely be hard to do.

Not to mention all the noise they make and of course those lazy beach-goers who don’t pick up after themselves and leave their trash on the sand!


Pick up after yourself!

2. Lack of privacy While Living on the Beach

Privacy goes out the window when you have a house near the beach.

There are always people walking or driving by, and during the summer, your backyard is practically a public beach.

It can be hard to have some alone time with yourself and the family.

You can say goodbye to any plans of skinny-dipping in the pool too!

Too bad you didn’t buy that house further inland now, huh?

3. Cost of Living

If you plan on living on the beach everything becomes more expensive.

This is because demand is high and there’s only a limited amount of space.

If you plan on buying a home expect it to be in the millions like in Miami or California.

Not to mention you’re property taxes will also be more expensive than owning a home inland.

In addition, you might also have to pay for security and beach access in you plan on living near some beachfront areas.

Let’s not forget about home insurance as well!

You will be paying a higher premium for living on the beach because you have a higher chance of hurricanes or flooding.

All these factors make living on the beach more costly, but hey if you can afford it then why not?

4. hurricanes, Erosion, and Storms

hurricane on the beach

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

If you live on the beach then you’re in danger of being hit by hurricanes or tropical storms.

Every time there’s a big storm, part of your property could be taken away by the waves and strong winds.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce:

Sea level along the U.S. coastline is projected to rise, on average, 10 – 12 inches (0.25 – 0.30 meters) in the next 30 years (2020 – 2050), which will be as much as the rise measured over the last 100 years (1920 – 2020).

National Ocean Service

With all this rising water, that means more flooding and beach erosion.

This means if you own a home by the coast expect more of your property taxes to go into beach maintenance and repairs.

Just one of the things you have to consider that come with living in this type of territory.

5. sand everywhere

sand on the beach

If you live on the beach then be prepared to have sand everywhere.

Since, naturally, the beach is covered in sand, living near one means that sand will find its way into your home no matter how much you try to avoid it.

It’s common to see sand in your car, on the floor of your house, or even on your clothes.

It can be hard to keep your home clean when sand is constantly tracking in.

You’ll be sweeping and vacuuming sand off the floor daily, and it’ll get old real quick.

Maintaining those carpets and hardwood floors can be a challenge.

6. Bugs and Insects


This one often gets overlooked, but you know that bugs and insects love the ocean as well.

It’s common to see mosquitoes appear during dawn and dusk, and you’ll be swatting them away constantly.

So if you are watching the sunset don’t forget to bring that bug spray!

My sister and I learned the hard way once catching the sunset in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

When we made it to our cars we realized we had over 50 mosquito bites between the two of us.

Let’s just say that night going to bed wasn’t fun.

Moreover, there are also other types of insects that you’ll find living near the beach.

Cockroaches love warm and humid environments, so living on the beach means you have a higher chance of seeing them in your home.

States that are tropical or humid like Florida and Puerto Rica are known to have higher populations of cockroaches.

When my sister and I lived in Orlando, Florida we had our first encounters with the Florida woods cockroach (also known as Palmetto Bug).

And as we visited along the coastlines we came to find out that these cockroaches are pretty much everywhere in the state from our hotels to apartments.

It’s not their fault, they are just like you and me trying to live in their natural habitat.

But, living on the beach means you need to be prepared for these critters.

bungalows on the beach


Is it Worth Living on the Beach?

To answer this you have to consider that everyone’s answer will vary.

Some people might think living on the beach is an amazing experience while others might think it’s not worth the hassle.

It really all depends on what you’re looking for and what you value in life.

Sunsets, sand, cost, and tourist are a few things to consider when wondering if it’s worth living on the beach.

Is Living on the Beach Good for you?

blue clear water

Escaping from city life and heading to the beach even if for a bit can have a lot of benefits.

Living on the beach can provide you with a sense of peace and relaxation.

From listening to the sound of the waves crashing to feeling the sand between your toes, living on the beach can help reduce your stress levels.

Observing the sunsets as it dips into the horizon can help you appreciate nature.

In addition, your physical health can improve from living on the beach.

You’ll be getting more vitamin D from being in the sun and fresh air which can boost your immune system.

Exercising outdoors can also be more enjoyable when living on the beach.

Swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, running, or even walking along the coast can become a part of your daily routine while living on the beach.

What are the Cons of Living by the Beach?

As previously mentioned, living on the beach has its own drawbacks as well.

Hurricanes, erosion, and even tourists can be a headache for some.

And let’s not forget about the sand and bugs that live amongst the coastline.

Some people might find this more of a hassle than living inland.

And, therefore, you will never see them living by the beach.

What is it really like to live on the beach?

At the end of the day, living on the beach is what you make of it.

Some people will find peace and relaxation by watching the sunsets and hearing the aqua blue ocean waves moving endlessly across the shore.

Others might find living on the beach to be a stressful and overwhelming experience that is not worth it.

There’s no right or wrong answer here, but knowing what you prefer helps weed out whether it’s worth it or not.

Like we said before, everyone is different.

chairs and palm trees on the beach


Hope this gives you a better understanding of what it’s like living on the beach.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to individual preferences.

There are always pros and cons when it comes to deciding whether it’s worth living on the beach just like everything else in life.

If you don’t mind a little sand in your house and the increased cost of living, then living on the beach could be perfect for you!

Just remember to always keep an eye out for hurricanes and to invest in some good home insurance!

Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or if your experiences are for those who live by the beach.

Until next time, be safe and happy beach travels!

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Jess & Jeanette

Jess and Jeanette, two sisters who founded Unseen Beaches, were inspired by their family’s beach vacations while growing up.

Their passion lies in guiding you toward the most remarkable beach destinations across the U.S., while also protecting and preserving these beautiful coastal treasures! 🌊❤️

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Don’t be caught off-guard like many others. Equip yourself with our Top Favorite 5 Essential Beach Must-Haves and avoid common beach pitfalls! 🏖️🌞🌊

1. YETI Wheeled Cooler: Keep your drinks and snacks chilled under the sun.

2. Kelty Tent: Seek refuge from the sun with a lightweight, easy-to-set-up beach tent.

3. BeachBub Umbrella: Stay cool and protected with a durable, stylish UPF beach umbrella.

4. Trailhead Chair: Sit back and relax with a comfortable and sturdy beach chair.

5. CGear Sand-Free Mat Sand Blanket: Keep the sand at bay and stay comfortable with a sand-resistant blanket.

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  1. Debbie

    Hello Sisters!! I am enjoying your words of insight! I am a devout beach lover, and I often drag my sister with me so that she may enjoy it as much as I do. We are on one of our many beach vacations right now, enjoying life to the max!! Continue breathing deep the wonderful ocean air!!!

    • Jess and Jeanette

      That’s awesome, Debbie! Nothing like spending time with loved ones! Enjoy your vacation! Be sure to eat and take lots of pictures for us! -Jess